Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Mind Mapping For Success
Europe's leading Mind Mapping Expert called Me CRAZY for releasing this!
mind mapping, mind maps, mindmaps,learn mind mapping, mind mapping techniques
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Essential Mindmapping » Welcome
The Home of Mind Mapping Software, offering Free Videos and Best Pricing
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Mind Mapping For Success
Let Me Show You The Power Of Mind Mapping And How It Can Work For You And Improve Your Everyday Life!
The Mind Mapping and Success E-Book is being offered with over 2 hours of Mind Map Training Videos
People just like you from all over the world are already using these powerful techniques …
Expert or Beginner …This E-book + Videos Will Catapult You to the Next Level in Visual Thinking
Low Introductory Price of $27.00 But Only For the next 100 People
Who Take Action Right Now! :
What do you receive for your investment:
The Mind Mapping for Success E-Book.
Over 2 Hours of step-by-step videos created to give you even more practical insight in the application of mind mapping by Paul Urban.
Your new understanding of Mind Mapping will give you the power and insights to:
Create clarity to overcome
Confusion, Negativity, and Stress!

Using The Topics You’ll Find in the Mind Mapping For Success E-Book:

- How Mind Maps help you to utilize more of your brain
- How Mind Maps mimic the way your brain actually processes information
- How you’ll actually become smarter when using Mind Maps
- How to Mind Map by hand or with a computer
- How Mind Maps can help overcome “information overload”
- How to save study time and learn faster
- Critical thinking and brainstorming with Mind Maps
- Using “scratch” maps
- Mind Mapping your day: Get more done in less time
- Project Management and Mind Maps
- Top 10 Mind Mapping techniques
Converting visual maps into linear documents (business reports and proposals)
BONUS: With Step-By-Step Training Videos:
Introduction to Mind Mapping – what it is and what it can do for you.
- Handling information overload using Mind Mapping
- Ending Procrastination with Mind Maps
- How to use Mind Mapping as your daily dash board and CRM tool
- Project Management using Mind Mapping (Planning, Processing and Completing)
- Brainstorming using Mind Maps
- Mind Mapping as a tool for personal development and reaching your goals
Running meetings with Mind Maps
There are only 100 SPECIAL BONUS BUNDLES available for this price!
Buy Today or get more information before there all Gone:
Don’t forget also to sign up in the opt in form on the right to receive 3 FREE Mind Mapping Reports!
Until Next Time….Take Care and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
MindMapping For Success
“Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning”
Get the best MindMapping Software of 2008:
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
How to Launch a New Product
By Following me on this Journey I aim to show you everything that goes into finding a market, creating a product (any product!) and launching it into loads of hungry buyers….
How to Launch a New Product
By Following me on this Journey I aim to show you everything that goes into finding a market, creating a product (any product!) and launching it into loads of hungry buyers….
Monday, June 16, 2008
Mind Mapping and Summapping Course is Now Available!
Please forgive me for the length of the sales page.
I know that a lot of you already know that youwant to order the course immediately…
if that is your situation, then just skip tothe bottom,
Click on the buy now button and place your order:
On the other hand, I know that some of you reallywant to see everything in the course.
If that’s you, then I think I have done a pretty good job of explaining all the various
components of the course.
If you fall in the latter category, there is one thingI want to stress…
I am sure we are not going to sell outthe 100 seats in the first few hours,
so don’t feel too frenzied when you are reading the letter.
Take your time and go through the entire letter.
In factI suggest that you print it out - it will be a lot easier to read that way.
Check out everything you get in the course before you make your decision.
However there is only 100 and once they are gone we are pulling this course off the market, so dont delay too long:
I hope to see you soon on the course!.
Until Next….Take Care and Happy Mapping!
Best Regards
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Mind & Visual Mapping Online Course - Released 16th June
The response was overwhelming - we had HUNDREDS of responses, and they have helped us refine the courseso it covers EXACTLY what our readers need to know about Mind Mapping, Visual Mapping and Summapping,
We are now getting very close to our release date - MONDAY June 16th
In the coming days we will be updating you with all the "behind the scenes" details, but here is a quick overview:
I started working on this back in 2007 and we really started working on it in earnest at the start of 2008. Back then we thought we could cover everything with a Mind Mapping Manual.
But as we started working on it we gained unbelievable momentum and support from such people as Arjen Ter Hoeve, Marcus Ingemann,Wallace Tait - who are leading experts in the field.
These guy's wanted to be part of this!
like me they where upset at the lack of information available on such powerful methods like Mind Mapping,Summapping and Visual Mapping -(Revolutionary concepts in gaining clarity of thinking).
We quickly realized it would take far more than a simple Manual to teach everything behind Mind Mapping and Visual Mapping methods.
It took a very long time, but we now havea full blown Mind Mapping, Sumapping and Visual Mapping online Course including printed course book and workbook,software's, eight ebooks, over five hours of video,audio interviews,our own social network Mind Mapping Forum, tele conferences,and more...
The course will be done over a five week period online and cover exactly how we use Mind Mapping, Summapping and Visual Mapping in every day life and unshackle the genius within YOU!!.
In short this is a complete brain dump of everything we know about Mind Mapping, Summapping and Visual Mapping by the creme de la creme of the business!
And you will be able to access it on MONDAY 16th JUNE!.
We already have our blog setup with Priority Notification opt in to keep everyone updated on our progress with the course so please stay tuned:
There is already some great FREE Mind Mapping videos available and I will be posting some free reports in the coming days also so please stay tuned!.
Hopefully, I will have my hands on a "beta" version in the next couple of days. Then after I give it a final"once - over", we will get the printing presses running.
Best Regards
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning!"
Saturday, May 17, 2008
MindMapping Videos
We recently surveyed THOUSANDS of People regarding their use
of MindMapping…and I just can’t believe the response!
What we am working on now is compiling all those
responses in the survey that you sent in - we thought
it would be interesting to come up with a list of
the top things that your fellow MindMapping Enthusiasts
wanted to know and create a video or report answering them.
This is something we can ALL learn from.
But we would firstly like to thank you for your
assistance with the survey by providing the first
Free MindMapping videos:
Video one:
What is MindMapping by Paul Urban from Essential
methods on paper with nothing more than colour pencils.
And creating a basic MindMap using a MindMapping
Software Program (MindMapper).
Video Two:
How to Grow your Business using MindMapping (Part 1 of 3):
This video has been provided by our Partners at NovaMind
and created by Gideon King the CEO of NovaMind. Part 2 will be
available early next week.
You can view the Videos HERE
As there are many people out there on the basics of
MindMapping we wanted to start at the beginning.
We will over the next couple of weeks be uploading more and
more free videos, reports and tips and tricks using
MindMapping methods.
We are also starting a Priority Notice List
for people who might be interested in a new
revolutionary MindMapping tool that will be available in
the coming weeks.
Once we open this thing up, the number of people we can
take will be severely limited.
(only a limited number are being made)
The best way to get a chance at one these tools is on the
Priority Notice List on the right hand side of the blog.
Please also be sure to leave a comment on the blog
regarding the first videos, or any questions or further information
you would like answered in coming vidoes or reports.
Until Next time... Take Care and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Thursday, April 24, 2008
MindMapping Survey
Unannounced Free Great bonus from
Essential MindMapping:
NEW Videos on MindMapping:
*How to do MindMap's - a step by step guide to creating
a MindMap
*How to Use MindMapping in your Business - By using
MindMapping in your business how you can boost
the productivity of your whole team or create your own
personal Blue Print plans!.
These will be sent to you in the coming days
But first I need to ask you a favor...
We are REALLY close to wrapping up some long-awaited
Revolutionary MindMapping Information.
We will be releasing it soon. But before we do, we have
to ask you a couple of questions.
Can you help us out?
You can answer the questions here (and get a little more
detail on the Information) at this link:
Click Here For Survey
And if there is any other questions you have or you
would like any other information from me please
don't hesitate to contact me:
Thanks and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning!"
Want the ultimate guide to MindMapping?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Why do we use MindMapping?
However I would like to ask a Favor if possible?.
In my research with MindMapping Software Providers, Consultants and Trainers I am creating a survey to poll current MindMapping users on an age old question:
"Why we use MindMapping?"
My aim is too find out what could be created, provided or enhanced in using MindMapping Methodologies. Or to compliment current use of MindMapping
(regardless of what MindMapping Software they use)
Although this question has been posed in many ways over the years I would like ask for your views:
Please let me know what questions you would pose in a survey to gain insight into current perceptions or obstacles of MindMapping?.
Just drop a comment below with questions you would ask or just a quick view on how you currently use MindMapping
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated and if anyone would like to contact me personally to discuss my ideas and thoughts further please do!
Thanks and Happy Mapping!
Kindest Regards
Paul Urban,
CEOEssential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning!"
Want the ultimate guide to MindMapping?
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
NEW MindMapper 2008 Update - Build No. 1830
This technical release covers:
Improvements - Now you can setup using Administrator account and allow local user to run MindMapper without registering the software again
- If text is present in a relationship between topics and you local focus one of the topics, the relationship lines and text are now hidden during local focusing
- If you choose FUll Rolldown, all sub topics and relationship lines are also fully rolled down
Bug Fixes - Fixed saving file as *.emf extention, as it was reverting to *.twd extiotion by default - If One Note printer driver is not installed,
Export to One Note is now disabled - in Format / Styles dialog box, fixed branch color setting
- When the Root node is seleted, now pressing ESC button will deselect the root node selection.
- Fixed Extration bug where font color and symbols could not be queried together
- Fixed Inserting Multiple Topics inserting a Floating text
- Fixed Topic Shape sometimes being inserted with mouse buttons
- Fixed Zoom factor changing after exiting Print Preview Slides
- Fixed opening password protected document after cancelling password input, and then inputting any text causing the document to move to lower right part of the screen
- Fixed crashing bug when pasting to a Rolled Up topic
- For new document without styles, now the firsr topic follows Parent (root) style, and second topic follow first topic
- Fixed Topic Shape changing color when pasting to the topic
- Fixed Slide Translation menu being in disabled state even after selecting a Slide for presentation
- Fixed Relation text being hidden in case of Local Centering and chil topics exist
- Fixed crashing caused by creating slides after rolling up the entire map and then local centering
- Fixed not being able to delete de-assigned resources
- Fixed New Map dialog hanging.
To grab your FREE Technical update you can:
Open MindMapper and click on Help > Check for Updates
Or Download a new Exe from the following link:
If there is any improvements you would like to see in MindMapper 2008 Professional or you have any other questions or information we can be of assistance with please contact us at:
Until Next Time... Take Care and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Mind Map For Success
Save Time, Make Money and become more Creative and Successful using MindMaps.

A fully illustrated and simple guide on using MindMaps in your every day life either on a PC or by hand.
Here are some of the things you will learn in the E-Book:
*MindMaps help you to use more of your brain
*MindMaps mimic the way you think: you're more intelligent using Mind Maps
*MindMaps: take control of your time and your work
*MindMapping by hand & with a computer
*Discover MindMaps with your own MindMapper free trial. In addition, we have secured a free trial of NovaMind and Mind Genius that you can also try for free!
*Learning with Mind Maps: save study time and memorize faster
*Thinking and brainstorming with Mind Maps: get more and better ideas
*Using "scratch" maps
*Map mapping your day: get more done in less time
*Project management with Mind Maps
*Running meetings with Mind Maps
*Ten top Mind Mapping tips and techniques: build your Mind Mapping skills
*Using MindMapping In Niche Marketing
and so much more...
With a personal guarantee to boost your productivity, and loaded full of free bonus MindMapping reports please visit for further information.
Until Next time...Take Care, Kind Regards and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"
Thursday, February 07, 2008

Using all the experience gained in the field of MindMapping over the past few years and advice from other leading MindMapping experts I am proud to bring you: MindMap for Success.
A fully illustrated and simple guide on using MindMaps in your every day life either on a PC or by hand
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"
Monday, January 21, 2008
Furthermore, the older we get, and the more technology advances, the more complex this information store becomes.
I am sure we are all familiar with the feeling that information has “gone in one ear and out of the other”! In truth, the information in question has gone nowhere, but it just feels this way because we have difficulty locating it when we need it most.
This is where the technique of “Mapping” is invaluable.
Mapping helps us to unlock valuable information whenever we need it, clarify the information into sensible and relevant thought patterns, and quickly see the “wood for the trees”.
To begin to understand how Mapping works, consider the 2 examples below:
Example 1:
Imagine you need to summarise a large book or hefty document. You will have been told in school to highlight the keywords with a pen.
The reason this technique works is that whilst it is impossible to recall an entire book or document when you need it, it is indeed possible if you can remember these keywords, since the keywords will then enable you to remember the rest of the information.
The keywords don’t mean much on their own but when you connect, order and associate them they form a comprehensive summary.
Equally as important, highlighting the keywords allows you to eliminate information which is less important i.e. sort the “wheat from the chaff”.
The secret, then, is in choosing the right keywords!
N.B. The keyword technique for remembering large amounts of data only works if you use individual words rather than entire sentences. Using keywords multiples the number of links and connections you can make to other words, and hence the amount of information you can remember, since words are specific, whereas sentences are general.
Example 2:
If you have an important presentation to do, it is likely you will write out your speech on memory cards. You do this by writing one or more keywords on each card.
Once again, the keywords won’t mean much on their own, but once you put the cards in the right order, and your brain connects the words, they form a comprehensive and effective presentation.
So…with the right keywords written down on the memory cards, in the right order, you will have no problem remembering your entire presentation, since the keywords stimulate the surrounding information.
Furthermore, your presentation will be delivered in a natural and unstilted way, since it will be “in your own words”, and not read from a script.
The secret, once again, is in choosing the right keywords!
N.B. The keyword technique for remembering large amounts of data only works if you
use individual words rather than entire sentences. Using keywords multiples the
number of links and connections you can make to other words, and hence the amount
of information you can remember, since words are specific, whereas sentences are general.
Mapping, then, is keyword driven.
Since your brain stores information through keywords and their linkages to other information,it is the keywords which are “key” to unlocking the information you need, quickly and effectively.
You were undoubtedly taught this “keyword” technique at school, in the hope that it would help you to learn vast amounts of information quickly, but the same technique is equally important in the workplace, since it allows us to access our knowledge and experience quickly and effectively.
Mapping stimulates the memory, and helps you to access the large store of information in your brain. It allows you to develop a visual picture of the information you need, and exactly as the brain would store it, so that your work become seamless – from random, scattered thoughts straight through to results!
But Mapping doesn’t only allow you to access the vast store of information you already have available to you in your brain.
Even better, it allows you to come up with new creative ideas and breakthrough solutions. This occurs because once you have a visual picture of your thinking laid out in front of you, you can suddenly see new connections which might never have occurred to you before.
It is the ability to link together keywords in new ways which leads to innovation and “out of the box” solutions.
Once again, it is the keywords which are “key”, but this time, the secret is in which keywords are linked to which, and in which new and unique ways.
In summary
• Mapping helps you gather your thoughts and think creatively even if you do not
consider yourself to be a creative person.
• Mapping means an end to procrastination and wondering where to start, since you
just start with the title of your task or project.
• Mapping clarifies your thought process.
• Mapping allows you to see both the “big picture” and the “detail”, both at the same
• Mapping leads to breakthrough solutions.
• Mapping allows you to access information you never thought you had i.e. know what
you never thought you knew!
• Imagine the competitive advantage to be gained by using Mapping for every single
task or project which life throws at you, be it personal, educational or work-related!!
• Use Mapping for anything from note taking to preparing communications, information
gathering, learning, people management, problem solving, planning and strategic
• Use it to become more productive, efficient, capable and better at planning, time
management and communication. You will be astounded at how much more effective
and productive you become. As you might imagine, an entire team or organization using the Mapping technique will further multiply the benefits. It will also have a knock-on effect in terms of staff motivation.
Where to from here?
So make your next move today and explode your productivity and gain the advantage in an ever increasing busy day.... or your Money Back!!!
Download a FREE 30 Day Full Evaluation Today
Order now click here!
Until Next time...Take Care, Kind Regards and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"