Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Why do we use MindMapping?

Ok appologies for not posting for a while but I have been working on something big concerning the whole MindMapping market. More about this soon!

However I would like to ask a Favor if possible?.

In my research with MindMapping Software Providers, Consultants and Trainers I am creating a survey to poll current MindMapping users on an age old question:
"Why we use MindMapping?"

My aim is too find out what could be created, provided or enhanced in using MindMapping Methodologies. Or to compliment current use of MindMapping
(regardless of what MindMapping Software they use)

Although this question has been posed in many ways over the years I would like ask for your views:

Please let me know what questions you would pose in a survey to gain insight into current perceptions or obstacles of MindMapping?.

Just drop a comment below with questions you would ask or just a quick view on how you currently use MindMapping

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated and if anyone would like to contact me personally to discuss my ideas and thoughts further please do!

Thanks and Happy Mapping!
Kindest Regards
Paul Urban,
CEOEssential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
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