Thursday, June 11, 2009

Free Mind Mapping Software Savings Report

Hope you are well and having a pleasant week.

Just a quick post to let you know I have a great new Free Mind Mapping report that you can download from my friend and Mind Mapping Partner Arjen Ter Hoeve (one of Europe's leading Mind Mapping trainers)

Arjen has put together a great report on Mind Mapping Software Savings and when implemented can save you $$'s and time in selecting the right Mind Mapping Applications for you and your team.

You can download the report from here:

I strongly urge you to download this report, print it, grab a cup of coffee (or other tipple) and sit in a quiet and comfy chair and read this $$ saving report.

The report not only covers how to save money in selecting a Mind Mapping tool (or any other software) but how to be sure that you are spending only the minimal time on the software you are evaluating, whilst ensuring you are evaluating the software that fits your requirements and not evaluating something that only does 60-70% of what you need.

So please take advantage of this free report:

Also let me know if you have any questions or information me and my team can be of assistance with regarding your Mind Mapping or Productivity requirements... we are here to help!.

On another note we still have some of our specials running on the MindMapper 2009 USB's (with great bonuses).

So if your interested in being able to create Mind Maps where ever you go on any PC then check out the MindMapper USB:

Until Next Time...Take Care and Happy Mapping!.
Paul Urban, CEO
MindMapping For Success
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning!"