Wednesday, May 06, 2009

iMindMap V4.0 is Now Here!

More Features. More Power. More Capabilities.

How can you make the ultimate thinking tool even better?

Simple, make the whole 'brain friendly' process even easier!

Introducing iMindMap V4.0,the much loved and globally used Mind Mapping Software.Fully benefit from all of the new iMindMap Version 4 features by opting for iMindMap V4 Ultimate...

Create Stunning Presentations in Minutes Not Hours or Days!
Now you can design, create and deliver dynamic presentations all from within iMindMap.Watch your Mind Maps smoothly animate and grow branch by branch. Wow your crowd by zooming in and out on branches, link direct to any files, websites or other Mind Maps, all from within your presentation. Want to link to a spreadsheet, document, or even another presentation - no problem. It takes just seconds. Never has it been so easy to create a professional presentation from start to finish.

Say good bye to having to export to linear slide-show presentation tools. Now you can do it all from within iMindMap Ultimate.
*Ultimate Version Only

Keep the Creative Process Flowing - Never Forget a Thought!
Mind Mapping is a fantastic way to quickly capture and generate ideas. Now we have added another dimension which makes capturing the underlying detail even quicker.

New Audio Notes
allows you to add verbal recordings directly to your branches without slowing your creative process. No longer are you forced to stop and ‘type’ your detail. Using the additional auto-record facility you now also have the freedom to continue drawing new branches and radiate your thoughts whilst in the background iMindMap listens to what you ‘say’ and records it for later review.

Useful in group brainstorming sessions where lots of ideas are being captured -
just click on a branch to hear what people were saying at the time the branch was created! Never forget an idea!
*Ultimate Version Only


NEW Box Branches - Additional Flexibility for Your Mind Maps
New to iMindMap 4.0, this feature offers the perfect solution for adding lots of information to a single branch. Ideal for those occasions when you cannot immediately think of a ‘single key word.’ Boxed branches allow you to capture your ideas as sentences allowing you to go back at a later date to refine them into more powerful single key words.

Freeform Brainstorming - A Quick Fire Way of Capturing Lots of Ideas Fast
Want to capture lots of ideas quickly and add them to your Mind Map afterwards.Well, now you can! Using Freeform Brainstorming just press Alt-T and you can add any number of free floating ideas to your map. When you are ready to provide more structure to your thoughts simply drag the floating ideas on to any branch.

Ideal for group brainstorming sessions

where you wish to capture as many ideas as possible or when you don’t have the time to put them into a structured form immediately.


Interface Enhancements - More Features, Less Buttons, Better Thinking!
We set our development team an almost impossible mission for version 4.0 - provide more features with even fewer buttons! Unbelievably they managed it!

Some may call the iMindMap interface too simple, we say that is exactly the point. We try and make it even simpler to use with every new release! iMindMap is first and foremost a ‘thinking tool’ and as such does not allow the ‘technology’ to get in the way of the ‘process.’

Enhanced Word Import - Turn Your Documents into Mind Maps
For the first time you can convert any MS Word document into an organic Mind Map using our new MS Word Import feature.

Now you can convert any text into the ultimate brain-friendly format: the Mind Map!
Attaching Information to Branches Just Became Even Easier iMindMap’s drag and drop capabilities have been completely redesigned. Drag files, text, images and web links directly onto your Mind Map.No longer do you have to copy and paste.

Now simply select the files or links and drag them onto your branches. This allows you to link your thoughts with existing information in the fastest way possible.
*Ultimate & Professional Versions Only

Intelligent Printing - Printing Big Maps Becomes Even Easier
At last! You now have an intelligent way to print out large maps. Say good bye to squinting at tiny ‘scaled to fit’ print-outs. No longer will you have to try and stick pages of tiled prints together to see the whole map.

Now with iMindMap 4.0 enhanced printing you can choose to have your mind map printed as a series of main branches including an overall Mind Map.

Everything is scaled perfectly
. Now you can print out the ‘whole picture’ and ‘the detail’ with the press of a single button!

Auto Branch Image - Let iMindMap Find the Right Image For You
The new Auto Branch Image Find feature links your branch to our massive online image library. Select your branch, click the ‘find image’ icon on the new branch pop up menu and iMindMap will automatically try and find appropriate images.

Built in Tutorial - Get Started with Computer Based Mind Mapping Quicker Than Everi
MindMap 4.0 includes an integrated walk through tutorial to help you open your eyes to a new way of thinking. Create your first Mind Map with your own interactive ‘in map’ guide and you will be up and running in no time! New video based tutorials and quick start guides are also available from our free and comprehensive resource centre. [Windows Users Only]

Create Mind Maps to scope projects
then add your tasks, dates, predecessors, milestones and durations.Improved Project Management System - Essential for anyone who needs to manage people or tasks
Task progress icons are displayed within your Mind Map. View as a Gantt chart, spreadsheet or Mind Map. Tasks, milestones and contacts can be fully integrated with Outlook® and you can also Export your work to Project®
*Ultimate Version Only

So iMindMap V4.0 is a really must have tool to have in anyones Productivity closet, and even better you can get an extended FREE evaluation for an additional 7 Days!

Existing user?
Upgrade to iMindMap Version 4 Ultimate and benefit from all of the above! Receive up to 50% off the upgrade price with your personal Discount Voucher – it will arrive before the end of April so make sure to check your inbox!

New to iMindMap?
Opt for iMindMap Ultimate for the complete set of tools for the ultimate Mind Mapping experience… CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE YOUR COPY

Until Next Time...Take Care & Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
MindMapping For Success
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning!"

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