Hey All,
Hope you are well and having a pleasant week.Today I would like to write more about the latest MindMapper 2009 Professional Release.
As you may have read MindMapper 2009 Professional was released acouple of weeks ago and the feedback has been Mind Blowing!,Many clients already claiming this has been the most robust release of MindMapper yet!.
With new features such as:
*New Ribbon Style Menu,
*Brainstorming Made Easier,
*Add Post it Notes to your MindMaps,
*Hand Drawn Mind Maps,
*Improved Export Features,
*My Pen,
*New Idea Templates,see more information on 2009 at:
http://www.essentialmindmapping.com/mindmapperWell at Essential MindMapping we have been enjoying the releaseand have been busy providing the FREE upgrades from 2008Professional and the small upgrades from version 4 and 5 to 2009.
Plus the great User pack specials we have at the moment are going down atreat in these current economic downturns… companies are loving theHuge slash in prices in our promotions.
But these will not last long and the upgrade specials and pack licence pricing will be closed soon.(End of April!)
So if you have not done so already take a moment to look over justsome of the great specials we have going at the moment:
If you are a 2008 Professional User the Upgrade is FREE!…
And Even better at Essential MindMapping we will even do the upgrade for you!.
That’s right just email me your registration key and we willupgrade and email you your new licence and registration set!.
sales@essentialmindmapping.comAlso we have the following Upgrade offers from our webshop
(this month only!):
Upgrade from 5.0 Professional to 2009 for only: $35 USDUpgrade from 2008 Standard to Professional 2009 only: $62.50 USD
Multi User licence Specials (this month only!):
MindMapper 2009 Five User Pack: $749.75 USD (normally $1,187.25 USD)
MindMapper 2009 Ten User Pack: $1499.50 USD (normally $2,249.60 USD)
I will also include My MindMapping For Success Book and Two hour
MindMapping personal Training video’s FREE with all paid upgradesand Multi User licence purchases!…. Saving you even more money and time!.
Visit our Secure webshop to Purchase:
http://www.essentialmindmapping.com/shop So don’t miss out these specials are due to be closedby MindMapper shortly.
Don’t Procrastinate today do something positive and Productive and contact us for your NumberOne Productivity Tool - MindMapper 2009 Professional:
http://www.essentialmindmapping.com/mindmapper Or contact one of our sales representatives at
sales@essentialmindmapping.comUntil Next Time…Take Care & Happy Mapping!
Kind Regards
Paul Urban, CEO
MindMapping For Success
http://www.EssentialMindMapping.com “Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning”