Monday, December 24, 2007
Happy Holidays and all The Best for 2008
On behalf of myself and the whole team here at Essential MindMapping we would like to wish yourself and your loved ones a happy Holiday Season and a Safe, Happy, Peacefull New Year for 2008.
I would also like to extend a personal thank you to all our clients for your valued support and custom over 2007, without you we would not be where we are today.
Ok one more point for those clients who have not yet upgraded to MindMapper 2008 Professional:
The MindMapper 2008 Upgrade we have been informing you about.
As you may know the upgrade for MindMapper 2008 is only available at the FREE promotional offer or small upgrade price until : 31st December 2007.
From January 2008 there will be a price upgrade to MindMapper 2008 from all prior versions 5.0, 4.5 and an increase in current Academic and 3.5 Pro upgrade prices.
The current price to upgrade to MindMapper 2008 is:
MindMapper 5.0 Professional to MindMapper 2008 Professional - FREE
MindMapper 4.X Professional to MindMapper 2008 Professional – FREE
MindMapper 3.5 Professional to MindMapper 2008 Professional - $60 USD
Academic Upgrade Pricing:
MindMapper 5.0 Academic to MindMapper 2008 Academic - $35 USD per license
MindMapper 4.X Academic to MindMapper 2008 Academic - $35 USD per license
MindMapper 3.X Academic to MindMapper 2008 Academic - $65 USD per license
These prices are only available for another Week (January 1st) They will be increased
If you would like to take advantage of the upgrade pricing above please email: and let me know what version you currently have and we will:
Send you your new FREE MindMapper 2008 Professional license if you are entitled to the Free upgrade. (we will even do the leg work for you in upgrading the license!)
Send you a quote and payment details to upgrade with the current minimal pricing upgrade price above.
Please act now! Don’t be left behind and pay extra later!.
Until then I would like to wish you and all your loved ones a Very happy and Festive Holiday Season and a Productivity packed New Year for 2008!
Kind Regards,
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning!"
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
New MindMapping Power Pack

*The e-book that will give you a deeper understanding and inspiration to create mind maps better and with more efficiency!
*Discover how you can refine your mind mapping skills into an art that will assist you in every area of your life - schoolwork, projects, moneymaking: You Name It!
*This is a knowledge you carry with you your entire life - the information in this book will make you see how to USE your mind mapping skills, how to refine them, and how to profit from mind mapping!
Our goal with the Mind Mapping Power Pack is simply to summon the best techniques, the best tools, to give profound explanations of common mistakes and powerful solutions, and to act as a source of inspiration for you.
With this book you will not only HAVE the information about mind mapping, you will be able to see how to USE mind mapping.
And what mind mapping does, is that it Helps You to enhance and improve the Quality of your Life!
It could be minor things, as structuring a grocery list or the movies you want to see, and it could be something huge as planning your new house or your entire company plan.
But at the end of the day: IT WILL IMPROVE YOUR SITUATION!
- And that means More Time for you to spend on things you want, More Focus on things that matter, More Money in your pocket, Less Effort and more cruising, Less Pain about not getting it right... well, the list is long, and you get the point.
Maybe you'll get just one extra detail on your project, but that extra detail makes you cash in a couple of thousand dollars extra.
Maybe you'll just make your presentation a little bit different from what you would have, but that little difference gives you a better grade, a raise on your salary, or more respect from your co-workers / students.
It's as simple as that. Mind mapping, when used right, can and will improve your life. And that is what we want to show you with this Power Pack.
"Before I buy it, I want to know the price tag".
Well, let me tell you that I'm going to give you a great deal, and let me just start off with showing you the real value of this package.
The Full Value of the Mind Mapping Power Pack
The normal case scenario is that this book would cost tons of money just to produce, and you can imagine the price tag in that situation, but just to give you a clue...
The movies in the Power Pack alone holds a value of around $350,
The reviews $20,
Two powerful bonus books $60 EACH,
The Power Pack workbook $40,
and then the Power Pack itself $120.
Well, that sums up to an awful lot of money, so I figured that $260 would be a great reduced price.
- Now, the deal we are running on a few trials with the Power Pack for a short period of time, (and you get the entire package, all bonus-books, movies and everything else included, on a factory-pressed CD,) for the heavily discounted price of only $97 USD, shipping included.
Click to Buy now or get more information on this sensational Pack!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The smartest way to learning and remembering – MindMapping
Memory is a crucial element of our life and therefore learning techniques that could enhance our memory will have practical and lasting value for us at all times.
1. Learning to connect any new learning with acquired information is one of the strongest methods for retaining information. The relations between different elements and the connecting thread among them will serve to trigger a great deal of insight, imagination and creativity. It is a powerful way for absorbing information.
2. Using whole-brain thinking deepens your knowledge and improves understanding. When we analyze information through logic, sequencing, etc., which are left-brain activities, along with the right brain-attributes of imagination, daydreaming, spatial awareness, etc., we are looking at an issue from different perspectives and this adds to gaining a wider dimension of the information.
3. Giving full attention to learning or listening.
4. Building the information into an imaginative picture, with running images lends vividness and clarity and increases understanding and recollection.
5. You can spin a story out of the information so you have a chain of events, which convey the essence of the information in a story-like format.
6. You can use acronyms, where the first word of a set of words forming meaningful information is taken and this set of joined words will then stand for the word and the meaning behind them. For e.g. try to use acronyms for learning Newton’s laws.
7. Chunking large information into facile units of memory is another common technique adopted. Breaking long running numbers into smaller units, for e.g., breaking 20 digit numbers into 4 units of 5 each. Or gain grouping under common concepts such as fruits, vegetables, games, animals, etc.
However, another highly powerful technique that combines all these elements of memory into one, is the MindMapper method.
It is a simple and effective technique that employs the functioning principles of our brain. This makes mindmapping a very strong and potent tool for learning and memory.
Mindmapping uses non-linear texts, wherein long, running sentences are replaced by just few words to convey the essence of information. It uses parallel processing, and colors, images, symbols and crunching to bring out the core points.
This saves a great amount of time, while enhancing learning and memory. Reading, learning, reviewing and recalling are made easy when information is conveying in MindMapper format. Its full value can be realized only through actual application.
So make your next move today and explode your productivity and gain the advantage in an ever increasing busy day.... or your Money Back!!!
Download a FREE 30 Day Full Evaluation Today
Order now click here!
Until Next time...Take Care, Kind Regards and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Free MindMapper 2008 Professional Upgrade
As you may be aware Essential MindMapping have just released the newversion of MindMapper.
MindMapper 2008 makes it easier to create other types of diagrams beyond Mind Mapping, such as Concept Maps, and Flow Charts.
With many new features and improvements in Project Management, User Interface, and general look and feel MindMapper 2008 leads the field for productivity.
See all the amazing new features available:
As per our announcement on the release of MindMapper 2008 we have received an amazing response from clients taking advantage of the FREE upgrade for Professional 4.5 and 5.0 users.
We have also received some reports from clients who have been unableto find the time to go through the upgrade process or are unable to find thierthere license information.
So as our continual pledge to our customers - LET US DO THE WORK FOR YOU!.
Thats right for the next week only if you are currently a MindMapper4.5 or 5.0 PROFESSIONAL USER just send us an email and let us know you want to upgrade and we will retrieve your current license and registration and do the upgrade for you.
We will also send you the new direct link to download the new 2008Professional series - NOTHING COULD BE MORE SIMPLER!!
So dont hesitate just send us an email: with "Upgrade me" in the subject and your name and we will do the rest for you!!.
MindMapper 3.5 Professional users can also upgrade to MindMapper 2008
for an amazing $60 USD Order now click here!
For Academic users of MindMapper 4.5 and 5.0 we are also able to offer an unbeatable upgrade price of only $35 USD to upgrade to MindMapper 2008 Academic.
If you would like to upgrade please also drop us an email with your interest and we will contact you with upgrade details.
Also dont forget the current licence pack specials we have on offerfor MindMapper 2008 Professional:
MindMapper 2008 Professional 5-License Pack is offered for only $854.76 USD (savings of $350.00 USD)
MindMapper 2008 Professional 10-License Pack is offered for only $1,619.55 USD (savings of $880.00 USD)
This is a limited time offer so dont delay and purchase your licensepack today!.
Order now click here!
It is also with great pleasure that we will be announcing over the coming weeks some great new additional MindMapping add on products that will ensure your MindMapping knowledge will be taken to new heights with little to no learning required.....
Keep your eyes peeled on your inbox for these and other new announcements from Essential MindMapping the leading provider of MindMapper.
Until Next time...Take Care, Kind Regards and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
MindMapper 2008 Released
MindMapper 2008 is the most feature rich, yet easy to use MindMapper release to date.
MindMapper a powerful, visualization software is used by Fortune 500 companies and individuals in over 56 countries around the world.
MindMapper 2008 includes a new set of Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) features to go beyond the traditional visual MindMapping.
MindMapper 2008 makes it easier to create other types of diagrams beyond Mind Mapping, such as Concept Maps, and Flow Charts.
With many new features and improvements in Project Management, User Interface, and general look and feel MindMapper 2008 leads the field for productivity.
International users will enjoy MindMapper's Unicode support, which allow typing in multiple languages into a single map.
See all the amazing new features available
MindMapper 2008 now comes in 3 Editions: Professional, Standard, and Basic to fit everyone's Mind Mapping needs and budget.
MindMapper 2008 Professional: (Promotion price $197.95 USD)
Contains all the features and is geared toward corporate users and power-users that enjoy all the benefits of Mind Mapping.
MindMapper Standard 2008 Edition: (Promotion price $124.95 USD)
Is geared towards casual Mind Mapping users and contains all of the Mind Mapping features to get you started right away. The Standard Edition does not contain some advanced corporate environment features, such as Project Scheduling, Presentation, and Personal Knowledge Management features.
MindMapper 2008 Basic Edition: (Promotion price $49.95 USD)
Is geared toward novice Mind Mappers or first time users. The feature set is identical to the Standard Edition. However, Basic Edition is limited by the size of the map. This is the perfect option for creating quick and simple maps.
Please visit our website for a complete breakdown of
Feature comparisons
Download a FREE 30 Day Full Evaluation Today
Order now click here!
Upgrade Purchase This offer is valid from September 17, 2007 until December 31, 2007
During 2007, all Essential MindMapping clients with MindMapper
4.x and 5.x Professional are eligible for a FREE upgrade to
MindMapper 2008 Professional, (a $70 USD value).
MindMapper 3.5 Professional users are eligible to upgrade to MindMapper 2008 Professional for only $60 USD (savings of $70.00 USD)
MindMapper 3.0 Standard users are eligible for upgrade to MindMapper 2008 Professional for only US$120 (savings of US$70.00)
Visit our UPGRADE SECTION to get your
MindMapper2008 license Order now click here!
(obtain your free 4x & 5x license upgrade)
MindMapper 2008 Professional 5-License Pack is offered for only $854.76 USD (savings of $350.00 USD)
MindMapper 2008 Professional 10-License Pack is offered for only $1,619.55 USD (savings of $880.00 USD)
So make your next move today and explode your productivity and gain the advantage in an ever increasing busy day.... or your Money Back!!!
Download a FREE 30 Day Full Evaluation Today
Order now click here!
Until Next time...Take Care, Kind Regards and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Maximise the Power of Your Brain - Tony Buzan MIND MAPPING
If you know the word MindMapping or Brainstorming then chances are you have heard of Tony Buzan,
Mind mapping has hardly been around for a generation. It was devised in the late 1960’s by top world lecturer and writer on brain and learning skills, Tony Buzan. For the most part, it’s a new idea that only a handful of people apply on a regular basis.
Because mind mapping involves uncommon, advanced use of your brain (tapping the other 95%), you may have to challenge your current beliefs to fully accept its true power – its ability to empower you with enhanced productivity... you’ll become more organized, stay more focused, sharpen your memory, and more. Watch the video above to see how MindMapping can increase your productivity and more in just a few minutes
What’s more exciting is that MindMapper software takes the 35-year-old concept of mind mapping and supercharges it for the 21st century!.
At Essential MindMapping we offer the latest and most robust MindMapping software available.
Want to evaluate MindMapper FREE for the next 30 Days:
Click here to access your FREE COPY TODAY
Give it a try and see just how effective mind mapping is for you.
Any avid mind mappers out there?
Tell us how your mind maps help you take effective notes and capture ideas:
Until Next time...Take Care,Kind Regards and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"
Thursday, August 16, 2007
A Beginner's Guide to Mind Mapping Meetings
If you do jot down some thoughts and ideas, by the time you re-read your notes they make no sense?
If this sounds like you, a meeting mind map may be just what you need. Here is a quick start guide that will give you some pointers you can use to get off to a great start with mindmapping.
First, a few concepts—many of these will come clear as you read through the article:
Mind mapping is a free flowing tool. There are no rights or wrongs to the process.
Many people recommend using many different colored pens and drawing pictures. This may or may not be for you—yet anyway.
The important thing is just to start. (Click here if you would like a FREE evaluation of MindMapper)
You can refine your mind mapping method as you go.
Mind mapping is designed to use both sides of your brain—mind mapping involves your right and left brain thinking.
The colors and picture drawing are the creative side, the note taking is the analytical side. By involving both sides of your brain you get better retention, more free-flowing ideas and maintain concentration.
Only a few simple graphics will get you started:
An arrow from one item to another indicates that one idea flows from one item to another
An arrow pointing both ways indicates the subjects are of equal value and relate to one another
A box or idea with no arrow is a floating topic. This is typically an important idea but off topic. It basically hovers outside your map but is there in case you need it.
To get started mind mapping a meeting, get the agenda ahead of time if possible.
In the center of your mind map, write the main topic of the meeting:
From this central idea all the sub-topics will flow. So outward from the center, you would write in the sub-agenda items. It doesn't matter what order you choose to list these. Mind mapping considers each idea equal until you change it later.
You now have a basic mind map of your meeting. This is a clear overview of your meeting from start to finish. If someone brings up an unrelated topic, you would simply make that a floating sub-topic. It may be important, but it's unrelated. These can be thoughts of yours or something someone else says.
Mind Mapping in Action
As people present ideas and concepts at the meeting, simply draw off a branch from the sub-agenda items and write a main idea. You can choose to circle the idea, draw a picture around it (like a star) to emphasize important points. If you feel like doodling next to an idea, by all means doodle. Remember mind mapping is designed to get you thinking from both your left and right brain. The doodles keep the creative mind active while the analytical handles the notes.
In the image above you see the star drawn around the joint venture idea. This might represent an idea I think is a great way to improve the budget. If I have sub ideas from there, I can simply draw branches off from that idea into sub ideas.
Personally, if someone says something that is important to a topic, subtopic or idea I like to draw a branch off from that item and write in their name and then branch off from their name. If you've ever had to explain who said what when this is an excellent way to track back and credit the right people.
In traditional note taking, many of these sub ideas and can be lost or forgotten (buried under larger concepts). Mind mapping makes the ideas stick out.
Tip: Don't be afraid to link one sub item to a totally different agenda item. Simply draw a line with or without an arrow linking one thought to another.
To create a MindMap using MindMapper for a meeting:
1. Write the main idea in the center box.
2. Write each agenda item in the circles linked to the outside of the main idea.
3. As the meeting progresses, draw lines pointing to sub-thoughts, ideas, facts and figures.
4. Draw pictures and interlink items with or without arrows.
To use MindMapping with MindMapper for a home improvement project:
1. Write the main goal of the project in the center box.
2. Write sub categories in the circles linked to the outside of the main idea. (Categories such as budget, supplies needed, when to do it, and hire contractor? are some common categories for a home improvement project.)
3. Just like with meetings, expand each category with ideas, facts and figures by drawing a branch and writing the idea.
After you've made your first few mind maps, you'll see how much more organized you'll feel. Mind mapping helps unlock your creative mind so you aren't forgetting details or losing those little tidbits of information that make or break a project. Mind mapping will make you more effective during meetings because you'll be able to understand the concepts and interlink them in new ways. Where everyone else is sitting bored and clock watching, you can be an active part of the meeting. It might just get you a raise.
-This article was kindly provided to us from Life Hacker:
Want to evaluate MindMapper FREE for the next 30 Days:
Click here to access your FREE COPY TODAY
Give it a try and see just how effective mind mapping is for you. Any avid mind mappers out there? Tell us how your mind maps help you take effective notes and capture ideas:
Until Next time...Take Care,Kind Regards and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
Monday, July 23, 2007
We Recommend SmartDraw for Projectcharts!.
You can now try SmartDraw FREE for 30 days and see why it was voted
"Best business program" two years in a row.
Click Here to download your FREE copy
SmartDraw and MindMapper are the ultimate productivty tools when used
together or we'll give you your money back!!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning!"
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
MindMapping Software Comparison
and puts them to the test!
So if your evaluating MindMapping software or want to see proof of why MindMapper is the leading MindMapping software at the most affordable price Click Here: Mind_Map_Software_Comparison.pdf
For further information on Process Maps, MindMapping or to download a full evaluation of MindMapper the leading MindMapping software on the market today be sure to drop by our website:
Until Next time...Take Care,
Kind Regards and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Save! Save! Save!
Essential MindMapping is now offering a special limited-time only offer on the latest version of MindMapper.
For those who have tried the software and recognized the potential of this powerful software, can now purchase the latest version and save money.
Until the end of March, Essential MindMapping is offering a 10-license user pack of MindMapper Pro 5.0 for less than HALF PRICE.
Right now there is an offer where you can buy a 10-licence park of MindMapper Pro 5.0 for $999.99.
BUT Essential MindMapping is pleased to extend a further 10 per cent discount so you get this leading software for only $899.96 enter the promotion code “urban” to receive the extra discount.
MindMapper is unique software that focuses on goals and helps users develop steps and milestones to reach set goals.
Union Pacific Railroad systems consultant Greg G. Arndt said
MindMapper was originally intended to fill gaps in the existing process modeling software.“It has succeeded in bridging those gaps, and adding value in a number of other ways,” Mr Arndt said. “To date, UPRR has developed over 30 process maps, covering role based, and functional processes using the MindMapper tool,” he said.
The program is a perfect tool for small business, and that is why we are offering such an amazing deal on the 10-user license.
Discover how this program can help you create a successful small business by taking advantage of this special offer for the 10-licence pack.
As if this discount offer was not enough, by purchasing before the end of March customers will also receive FREE the latest version of MindMapper Jr. and Free White Paper MindMapping in a Nutshell.
THIS IS A LIMITED-TIME ONLY OFFER.Purchase now to avoid disappointment.
MindMapper Jr. has no text menus just graphics and animated buttons. It is designed for young children and is a fun tool to help children develop focused thought patterns.
White paper MindMapping in a Nutshell will not only give you a greater understanding of the mind mapping process, but it will give you the tricks and tips to make the most out of MindMapper Pro 5.0. So you tried it, but you are not sure whether to invest? Remember MindMapper Pro 5.0 can help your business grow and become more effective.
So the software is an investment rather than an expense. By now you have some idea of the possibilities of MindMapper and the potential it possesses, but when you take that potential into the small business environment the true value of the software is revealed.Using MindMapper helps employees and management to focus on the bigger picture.
In a small business it is important that employees and management understand the goals of the company.
So accelerate your efficiency now by ordering 10-license user MindMapper V5.0 Professional! and don’t forget the promotion code “urban”
For further information on Process Maps, MindMapping or to download a full evaluation of MindMapper the leading MindMapping software on the market today be sure to drop by our website:
Until Next time...Take Care,Kind Regards and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
EMM and Smart Draw join forces

It is with great pleasure that we would like to announce Smart Draw software to our product suite.
As you may know Smart Draw is the most the worlds most popular business software Graphics Software.
SmartDraw's point-and-click drawing method makes it easy for anyone familiar with basic computer tasks to easily create professional-quality business graphics. It all begins with a professionally designed SmartTemplate™. Choose one, and SmartDraw opens a SmartPanel™ with six single-click buttons - all you'll need to complete your drawing. And, our SmartHelp™ step-by-step guide follows your actions and is ready with answers, just in case. It's that simple.
As a special promotion we have secured a special promotional price for all Essential MindMapping customers, You can take a FREE test drive of Smart Draw for seven days by clicking here
Also Essential MindMapping Clients can purchase Smart Draw with huge reductions for only:
Single license: $197 USD
Five User Pack: $885 USD
Ten User Pack: $1495 USD
Buy now and also receive EMM's FREE lifetime support and assistance terms by going to Smart Draw
For further information on Process Maps, MindMapping or to download a full evaluation of MindMapper the leading MindMapping software on the market today be sure to drop by our website: Until Next time...
Take Care,
Kind Regards and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Business Process Mapping
ISO 9001 requires a business entity to follow a process approach when managing its business, and to this end creating business process maps will assist. The entity can then work towards ensuring its processes are effective (the right process is followed the first time), and efficient (continually improved to ensure processes use the least amount of resources).
Early history
The first structured method for documenting process flow, the flow process chart, was introduced by Frank Gilbreth to members of ASME in 1921 as the presentation “Process Charts—First Steps in Finding the One Best Way”. Gilbreth's tools quickly found their way into industrial engineering curricula. In the early 30's, an industrial engineer, Allan H. Mogensen began training business people in the use of some of the tools of industrial engineering at his Work Simplification Conferences in Lake Placid , New York. a 1944 graduate of Mogensen's class, Art Spinanger, took the tools back to Procter and Gamble where he developed their Deliberate Methods Change Program. Another 1944 graduate, Ben S. Graham, Director of Formcraft Engineering at Standard Register Corporation, adapted the flow process chart to information processing with his development of the multi-flow process chart to displays multiple documents and their relationships. In 1947, ASME adopted a symbol set derived from Gilbreth's original work as the ASME Standard for Process Charts.
For further information on Process Maps, MindMapping or to download a full evaluation of MindMapper the leading MindMapping software on the market today be sure to drop by our website: www.EssentialMindMapping.comUntil Next time...
Take Care,Kind Regards and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
How to Brainstorm
collecting ideas about a concept or topic through the free association of all members in a group.
Brainstorming is effective because it encourages participants to freely express their ideas about a topic in order to develop a range of things that might be included
• To support participants in spontaneously proposing ideas and/or solutions, certain ground rules need to be established and roles designated. There must be a recorder, someone who writes down all responses.
• A facilitator asks for elaboration when necessary and when no one else in he group does.
• Censoring of responses is not allowed. Any and all responses are listed.
• Don't underline obstacles when you are brainstorming, just list the possibilities.
• Sometimes a participant repeats a response that already exists. Encourage the participant to come up with her own idea.
Here are some tips about the process:
• Produce a great number of ideas
• Record all ideas
• Allow no criticism - focus on quantity, not quality
• When you're out of ideas, force yourself to add three more - innovation and creativity can surface after the apparent solutions have been exhausted
• Brainstorm with a group
• Let one idea give you another idea
• Include outrageous and off-the-wall ideas
• If you brainstorm alone, write continuously for another 5 minutes after you feel like you've run out of ideas
• Only after brainstorming, think through the ideas and begin narrowing the list
Here are some other important “do’s and “don’ts”
1. Do collect as many ideas as possible from all participants with no criticisms or judgments made while ideas are being generated.
2. Do welcome all ideas are welcome no matter how silly or far out they seem. Be creative. The more ideas the better because at this point you don't know what might work.
3. Don’t allow discussion during the brainstorming activity. Talking about the ideas will take place after brainstorming is complete.
4. Don’t criticize or judge. Don't even groan, frown, or laugh. All ideas are equally valid at this point.
5. Do build on others' ideas.
6. Do write all ideas on a flipchart or board so the whole group can easily see them.
7. Do set a time limit (i.e., 30 minutes) for the brainstorming.
Follow this Brainstorming Sequence:
1. One team member should review the topic of the brainstorm using "why", "how", or "what" questions. Example: The topic for the brainstorm is developing a training course on automobiles. What should we focus on as the content?
2. Everyone should think about the question silently for a few moments. Each person might want to jot down his/her ideas on a sheet of paper. Example:(1) Types of cars; (2) Parts of cars; (3) Car manufacturers; (4) Categories of cars; (5) How cars work.
3. Everyone suggests ideas by calling them out. Another way is to go around the room and have each person read an idea from his/her list until all ideas have been written on the board or flipchart. (Note: The team member in charge of the brainstorming session should be enforcing the rules.)
4. One team member writes down all ideas on board or flipchart.
Making the final selection:
1. When all the ideas have been recorded, combine ideas as much as possible, but only when the original contributors agree. Example: (1) Types of cars and (4) Categories of cars (from example under #2 above) are really the same, so number 4 is eliminated.
2. Number all of the ideas.
3. Each member votes on the ideas by making a list of the numbers of the ideas he/she thinks are important or should be discussed further. This list should contain no more than one third of the total number of ideas.
4. After counting the votes, cross out ideas with only one or two votes. Then vote again until only a few ideas remain(i.e., 3 or 4). If there is no clear-cut winner, then vote again or discuss the remaining ideas and determine which idea best answers the original question.
For further information on MindMapping or to download a full evaluation of MindMapper the leading MindMapping software on the market today be sure to drop by our website: www.EssentialMindMapping.comUntil Next time...
Take Care,Kind Regards and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Tel: 61 2 90189305
"Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning"