If you do jot down some thoughts and ideas, by the time you re-read your notes they make no sense?
If this sounds like you, a meeting mind map may be just what you need. Here is a quick start guide that will give you some pointers you can use to get off to a great start with mindmapping.
First, a few concepts—many of these will come clear as you read through the article:
Mind mapping is a free flowing tool. There are no rights or wrongs to the process.
Many people recommend using many different colored pens and drawing pictures. This may or may not be for you—yet anyway.
The important thing is just to start. (Click here if you would like a FREE evaluation of MindMapper)
You can refine your mind mapping method as you go.
Mind mapping is designed to use both sides of your brain—mind mapping involves your right and left brain thinking.
The colors and picture drawing are the creative side, the note taking is the analytical side. By involving both sides of your brain you get better retention, more free-flowing ideas and maintain concentration.
Only a few simple graphics will get you started:
An arrow from one item to another indicates that one idea flows from one item to another
An arrow pointing both ways indicates the subjects are of equal value and relate to one another
A box or idea with no arrow is a floating topic. This is typically an important idea but off topic. It basically hovers outside your map but is there in case you need it.
To get started mind mapping a meeting, get the agenda ahead of time if possible.
In the center of your mind map, write the main topic of the meeting:
From this central idea all the sub-topics will flow. So outward from the center, you would write in the sub-agenda items. It doesn't matter what order you choose to list these. Mind mapping considers each idea equal until you change it later.
You now have a basic mind map of your meeting. This is a clear overview of your meeting from start to finish. If someone brings up an unrelated topic, you would simply make that a floating sub-topic. It may be important, but it's unrelated. These can be thoughts of yours or something someone else says.
Mind Mapping in Action
As people present ideas and concepts at the meeting, simply draw off a branch from the sub-agenda items and write a main idea. You can choose to circle the idea, draw a picture around it (like a star) to emphasize important points. If you feel like doodling next to an idea, by all means doodle. Remember mind mapping is designed to get you thinking from both your left and right brain. The doodles keep the creative mind active while the analytical handles the notes.
In the image above you see the star drawn around the joint venture idea. This might represent an idea I think is a great way to improve the budget. If I have sub ideas from there, I can simply draw branches off from that idea into sub ideas.
Personally, if someone says something that is important to a topic, subtopic or idea I like to draw a branch off from that item and write in their name and then branch off from their name. If you've ever had to explain who said what when this is an excellent way to track back and credit the right people.
In traditional note taking, many of these sub ideas and can be lost or forgotten (buried under larger concepts). Mind mapping makes the ideas stick out.
Tip: Don't be afraid to link one sub item to a totally different agenda item. Simply draw a line with or without an arrow linking one thought to another.
To create a MindMap using MindMapper for a meeting:
1. Write the main idea in the center box.
2. Write each agenda item in the circles linked to the outside of the main idea.
3. As the meeting progresses, draw lines pointing to sub-thoughts, ideas, facts and figures.
4. Draw pictures and interlink items with or without arrows.
To use MindMapping with MindMapper for a home improvement project:
1. Write the main goal of the project in the center box.
2. Write sub categories in the circles linked to the outside of the main idea. (Categories such as budget, supplies needed, when to do it, and hire contractor? are some common categories for a home improvement project.)
3. Just like with meetings, expand each category with ideas, facts and figures by drawing a branch and writing the idea.
After you've made your first few mind maps, you'll see how much more organized you'll feel. Mind mapping helps unlock your creative mind so you aren't forgetting details or losing those little tidbits of information that make or break a project. Mind mapping will make you more effective during meetings because you'll be able to understand the concepts and interlink them in new ways. Where everyone else is sitting bored and clock watching, you can be an active part of the meeting. It might just get you a raise.
-This article was kindly provided to us from Life Hacker: www.lifehacker.com
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Give it a try and see just how effective mind mapping is for you. Any avid mind mappers out there? Tell us how your mind maps help you take effective notes and capture ideas: paul@essentialmindmapping.com
Until Next time...Take Care,Kind Regards and Happy Mapping!
Paul Urban, CEO
Essential MindMapping
Email: admin@essentialmindmapping.com
Tel: 61 2 90189305
Web: http://www.essentialmindmapping.com/
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